2013 年 11 月 8 - 10 日
报告人:Allen S. Lee
题目Title:Mistaking Statistics for Rigor in American Business School Research:Should China Follow, or Lead in a New Direction?
What strategies should China take in the global community of research? To follow the example of business schools in America would not only mean submitting to and perpetuating the predominance of statistical research, but also effectively blocking the strategies from taking newer and more innovative paths. I will offer lessons from the philosophy of science not only to explain this, but also to reveal how qualitative research, no less than (if at all) statistical research, can achieve rigor and even generalizability. I will present the merits of two underutilized paths that business researchers in China can take, offering them a competitive advantage globally: action research and design research.
Allen S. Lee is a professor of information systems and the associate dean for research and graduate studies in the School of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University. At the end of 2004, he retired from the MIS Quarterly editorial board after 15 years, during which he served as associate editor, senior editor, and editor-in-chief. He is a founding senior editor of MIS Quarterly Executive and a founding member of Chinese American Professors of Information Systems. He is a member of the Circle of Compadres of the Information Systems Doctoral Students Association of the Ph.D. Project and, in 2005, he was named a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems.
林至颖经常为国内政府及行业协会提供咨询建议及演讲,并为《中国经济和信息化》、《中国商界》、《北京商报》及《新商务周刊》等特约专栏作者,亦曾在国家级经济、社科类核心期刊及中国中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)核心期刊包括《中国流通经济》、《中国经贸导刊》、《经济纵横》、《中国市场》、《中国经贸》、《当代经济》、《现代商业》、《商场现代化》 等发表过多篇文章。著作包括《内外贸一体化与流通渠道建设》、《珠三角流通业蓝皮书2012》、《珠三角流通业蓝皮书2013》及参著《中国供应链管理蓝皮书》、《中国商业蓝皮书》等。
题目:Rigor in Doing Positivist Case Research,Interpretive Research, and Grounded-Theory Research
报告人:Allen S. Lee
The goal of the workshop is for workshop participants to grasp the gist of each of these three qualitative research approaches, and to develop a solid understanding of how each of them can be conducted in a rigorous way. Positivist case research emulates research in natural science by identifying and working with variables and constructs, by testing theories, and by presuming that knowledge has no knowing subject. In contrast, interpretive case studies follow the manner of research in anthropological ethnographies and in hermeneutics, where the human researcher is the instrument of observation. Grounded theory research proceeds by collecting qualitative data (often, text in the form of interviews), coding the data into different categories or concepts, and then drawing relationships between them, so that the resulting theory can be said to emerge from the data. Workshop participants will learn how each qualitative approach can achieve rigor through the explicit application of the deductive logic of modus tollens.
题目:Building Theory from Multiple Case Studies
报告人:Dr. Sam Garg (埃森哈特的学生)
This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive step-by-step process of building novel theories using the multiple case study approach. Several highly cited publications, as well as ongoing research, will be used to illustrate the use of this method. Key challenges faced in the publication process of multiple case study research will also be addressed.
Sam Garg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at HKUST, Hong Kong, and a former student of Kathy Eisenhardt. He obtained his PhD (Organizations, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) and MA (Sociology) from Stanford University. Sam’s research interests are in issues at the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategy, and organizational behavior. His specific interests include corporate governance, strategic decision making, power dynamics, and cognition in entrepreneurial firms and international businesses. He is currently investigating CEO-Board relationship using a real-time, longitudinal multiple case study approach. His other recent work has been published (or is forthcoming) in the Academy of Management Review and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He is also a co-author of “Inspire to Innovate: Management and Innovation in Asia”, a book based on several mini case studies and a survey.