题目Title: Publishing Qualitative Research in Top Tier Management Journals
报告人Speaker: Heather Vough
摘要Abstract: The objective of this talk is to overview what scholars should be thinking about as they prepare qualitative manuscripts for publications in top-tier management journals, like the Academy of Management Journal. I will talk through each of the phases of qualitative research, providing tips and suggestions for what to be thinking about in each stage. Specifically, I will address data collection, data analysis, writing up the findings section, and linking to theory in the introductory sections and discussion. To reinforce these points, I will draw extensively on examples of what has and hasn’t worked in my own experiences as an author, reviewer, and action editor.
报告人简介Biography: Dr. Heather Vough is an associate professor of management at George Mason University, in Fairfax, Virginia. She has previously held positions at McGill University and the University of Cincinnati. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research is focused on understanding how employees make sense of events and setbacks at work as well as how they construct and reconstruct their identities relative to their careers, professions, organizations, and workgroups. She has used qualitative methods to address these questions across a variety of contexts and samples including architecture firms, a radio station, an international security organization, start-ups, retirees, and call centers. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science, among others. She has served on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Management Communication Quarterly and is currently an Associate Editor at the Academy of Management Journal.
题目Title: Crafting papers for publication: novelty and convention in academic writing
报告人:Gerardo Patriotta
摘要Abstract:Despite the conventions about what constitutes a strong/original theoretical contribution, publishing academic research inevitably takes the shape of a craft that authors frequently (and quite often painfully) learn by doing. In this session, we will look at some techniques that authors can use for developing effective arguments, leveraging academic conventions in a constructive fashion, and communicating clear contributions to their audiences (editors, reviewers, and readers at large).
报告人简介Biography:Gerardo Patriotta is a Professor of Organization Studies and Director of the DBA program at the Warwick Business School. His research focuses on organizational sensemaking, particularly in the contexts of crises and breakdowns, transitions between routine and non-routine events, learning from errors, face-to-face interactions, and identity processes. His work has combined sociological and organizational theories to understand the work practices and behaviours of, amongst others, shopfloor operators, courtrooms judges, business consultants, global bank managers, air force pilots, e-markets sellers, chefs, migrant workers, and news workers. Gerardo’s research has been published in leading management journals such as the Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Human Relations, Organization Science, and Organization Studies, amongst others. He is the author of Organizational knowledge in the making: how firms create, use, and institutionalize knowledge, published by Oxford University Press. He is the past General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies and currently serves as Consulting Editor for the journal.
摘要Abstract:在国际顶级期刊发表定性研究需具备两个不可或缺的要素:方法严谨和理论构建。面对定量研究中“复制危机”的挑战,近年来学者将可信性列为评判定性研究方法是否严谨的标准。此外,尽管广泛讨论多年,理论构建中最为关键的理论化方法依然难以捕捉,尤其针对初学者尤为神秘。在这个主题报告中,我将以最新发表在Journal of Management Studies上的论文(Wei & Clegg, 2020),介绍几个关于保证方法可信性和提升理论化能力的准则和方法。
报告人简介Biography:卫田,复旦大学管理学院企业管理系教授、副系主任,上海曙光学者、上海浦江学者,复旦大学仲英青年学者,剑桥大学管理学博士。长期从事跨国并购和企业社会创业研究。她的研究发表在Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, International Business Review, and Journal of International Management以及管理世界等期刊。她目前担任Management and Organization Review的Deputy Editor(负责战略和定性研究论文),Asian Case Research Journal的Associate Editor和外国经济与管理的领域主编等职务。
报告人 Speaker: 毛基业
题目 Title:中国企业管理案例与质性研究回顾(2007-2021)
摘要 Abstract:本报告回顾过去十五届“案例论坛”伴随中国企业管理案例研究的发展过程,说明案例方法对中国企业管理学者的特殊意义和价值、独特的机遇和挑战、以及管理学案例研究的进化路径。报告重点描述中国企业管理案例研究在过去十五年来所取得的成就、和当前制约理论贡献质量的若干常见问题,逐个分析其产生的原因、潜在应对方式,并提出针对性建议。
报告人简介 Biography:毛基业,中国人民大学商学院教授。国家杰出青年科学基金项目获得者(2008)。《信息系统学报》创刊副主编,曾任和现任多个国际学术期刊的编委。他是爱思唯尔(Elsevier)榜单的中国高被引学者(2015-2018),主要研究领域是传统企业的数字化转型与组织重构、大数据应用和IT外包管理。毛基业教授分别在中国人民大学(1985)、麦吉尔大学(1989)和英属哥伦比亚大学(1995)获本科、MBA、和博士学位,曾在加拿大滑铁卢大学任教并获得终身教职(1995-2002)。