题目Title:Theory building from case study research
摘要Abstract:Professor Kathleen Eisenhardt will be discussing the central ideas in building theories from case studies. In particular, she will consider the various types of approaches to theory building from cases, when to use this method including its relevance to research within China, major steps in the process including study designs, and criteria for rigorous research using this method. Her talk will include examples of studies to illustrate her points, and conclude by noting the importance and meaning of theoretical rigor.
报告人简介Biography:KATHLEEN M. EISENHARDT is the S. W. Ascherman M.D. Professor of Strategy and Organization at Stanford and Co-Director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. She is widely known for her work on strategy, strategic decision making, and innovation in high-velocity markets, and for developing methods for theory-building from case studies. She is co-author of the best-selling book, Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World. She has received numerous teaching and research awards, and holds four honorary doctorate degrees.She has served as a Fellow of the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Clinton Global Initiative.Her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering is from Brown University and her Ph.D. is from Stanford's Graduate School of Business.
报告人Speaker:Jason D. Shaw
题目Title:Thoughts on Publishing Case and Qualitative Research in AMJ
摘要Abstract:In this talk, I’ll discuss publishing issues at the Academy of Management Journal with emphasis on pertinent issues related to publishing qualitative research. In addition, I will elaborate on a new theme for the incoming editorial team and a special research forum entitled “New Ways of Seeing: Using Novel Theory and Meaningful Cross-disciplinary Collaborations to Advance Management Research.”
报告人简介Biography:Jason D. Shaw is Chair Professor of Management, Head of Department of Management and Marketing, and Director of the Centre for Leadership and Innovation in the Faculty of Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas in 1997. He is the Incoming Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Journal. His research has appeared or been accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management, among other scientific outlets. He has served or is serving on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management, among others. He has been invited for visiting scholar positions and other speaking engagements in China, Finland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, Israel, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Thailand, and the USA. Prior to his appointment at PolyU, he was the Curtis L. Carlson School-wide Professor in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, the Clark Material Handling Company Professor at the University of Kentucky, an assistant professor at Drexel University, and an analyst for the Boeing Company.
报告人Speaker:Sam Garg
题目Title:Case study projects: From building a new theory to developing a new research program
摘要Abstract:The speaker will walk through the experience of a recent multi-case study project – idea generation, data collection, insight development, and ultimately thereviewer engagement. The speaker will also discuss how the process of executing the original study sparked several related projects.
报告人简介Biography:Sam Garg is a professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at HKUST Business School in Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD in Organizations, Technology and Entrepreneurship from Stanford University. Sam's researchseeks to develop nuanced understanding of the CEO-board relationship, particularly in the context of high-growth entrepreneurial firms including those in emerging markets. His current research examinesboard-level strategy making process and board leadership structures in entrepreneurial firmsfrom founding to early post-IPO years. Sam is also co-author of the book "Inspire to Innovate: Management and Innovation in Asia", which was published by Palgrave MacMillan (UK).
摘要Abstract:In this workshop, Professor Kathleen Eisenhardt will focus on how to conduct research that builds theory from cases. In particular, she will examine the choice among single v. paired v. multi-case research designs. She will also explain theoretical sampling and give examples of different designs to accomplish this. Her workshop talk will also consider how to define and measure constructs, and how to develop the underlying theoretical arguments using data, logic and literature. The intent is a “hands-on” workshop with time for questions.
报告人Speaker:许玮元 Carol Hsu
题目Title:Case Study Research: Developing Research Question and The Role of Literature Review
摘要Abstract:In this workshop, it will focus on how to develop research questions and to work on relevant literature review.
报告人简介Biography:Carol Hsu is a Professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University. She holds a Ph.D. in information systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her current research interests focus on the organizational and institutional approach to information technology implementation and diffusion. Her work has been published in the MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Communications of the ACM. Carol also serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, and the Associate Editor of the Information Systems Journal, and Information & Management.
题目Title:New Pathway for Management Studies in China: Exploring Qualitative Research Methods of Business Anthropology(中国管理学新路径:探讨工商人类学质性研究方法)
摘要Abstract:The workshop is designed to broaden the approaches toward Chinese management studies by introducing business anthropological methods to the Chinese management scholars. It adopts a comparative and case study methodology to demonstrate the limitations of quantitative methods and to illustrate the effectiveness of business anthropological approaches for management studies in the Chinese context.
报告人简介Biography:田广博士现为汕头大学商学院外国专家、教授,工商人类学研究所所长,校科研委员会委员;同时兼任吉首大学应用人类学高等研究院院长,河北大学管理学院博导教授,美国密苏里科技大学商学院访问教授,美国北美商务出版社当代中国丛书主编,英国剑桥学者出版社《中国营销期刊》和《国际工商人类学期刊》主编,多种国际期刊编委。田广博士曾任美国莫代尔大学终身教授,美国库克大学国际教务主任、商学系主任、教授;在国际双盲评审学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,发表各种专、译、合著共20余部,并于2000年获美国联邦政府认定杰出人才资格,获加拿大国庆委员会成就奖,美国学术联合会成就奖,中国国家民委学术成就奖,中国原国家计委学术成果奖。 田广博士是国际工商人类学学科的主要推动者之一,早年曾承担国家社科七五计划课题,参与加拿大联邦政府资助的新移民企业家研究项目,及中国政府资助的未来西部民族地区自然环境与经济发展研究课题,是十二五市场营销学科教科书《计量营销学》和《计量营销学问答与案例分析》的作者,英语版《工商人类学通论》主笔。
摘要Abstract:第一要素是发现本土现象的独特性,尤其是该现象为西方认为的outlier as puzzle 。第二要素是探寻现象独特性的系统性模式 as a unique pattern。第三最为关键,既建构其独特性及系统性的理论解读,尤其是其内在因果关系。国内绝大多数案例研究文章在此遇到滑铁卢,缺乏临门一脚。因此,本工作坊重点讨论这一课题。
报告人简介Biography:李平 [Peter Ping Li]是西交利物浦大学国际企业管理终身正教授。他也是丹麦「哥本哈根商学院国际经济与管理系」的中国企业管理领域终身正教授。曾为下乡知青的李平教授对中国现代国情有着独特的深刻认识。此外,对中国传统哲学研究颇深的李平教授对中国历史国情也有着独特的全面理解。
李平教授于1982年毕业于上海外国语大学英美文学专业,并在1987年取得北京对外经济贸易大学国际金融硕士学位之后赴美深造。1991年获得美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)国际企业管理博士学位之后,先后在美国爱荷华州杜比克大学(University of Dubuque)与美国加州州立大学(California State University)工商管理学院管理系任教,升至终身正教授;2010年转至全球規模最大的商学院之一的哥本哈根商学院,担任中国企业管理教授。2016年转至西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院担任国际企业管理教授。李平教授是《信任研究期刊》(Journal of Trust Research)的创始人及总编,也是《组织与管理评论》(Management & Organization Review, SSCI) 以及《亚太管理期刊》(Asia Pacific Journal of Management, SSCI)的高级编辑。他同時担任另七种国际著名期刊的评委,曾被中国管理研究国际协会《组织与管理评论》誉为2004-2008年年度最佳评审五人之一,也被列入世界国际企业管理150最优秀管理学家名人录。