报告人Speaker:Dennis A. (Denny) Gioia
题目Title:Doing Rigorous Qualitative Research: Developing a Data Structure
摘要Abstract:Despite its richness and potential for discovery qualitative research has been critiqued as too often lacking in rigor. I summarize a systematic approach to doing qualitative research, focusing especially on how to analyze qualitative data for the purpose of developing a data structure and how to convert the static data structure into a dynamic grounded theoretical model.
报告人简介Biography:Dennis A. (Denny) Gioia is the Robert and Judith Auritt Klein Professor of Management and the Chair of the Department of Management and Organization in the Smeal College of Business at the Pennsylvania State University. He holds degrees in both Engineering Science and Management from Florida State University. In former lives, he worked as an engineer for Boeing Aerospace at Cape Kennedy on the build and launch teams for the Apollo 11, 12 and 13 missions to the moon and for Ford Motor Company as corporate recall coordinator in the ‘70’s. In his academic life, his research and writing interests focus on the ways in which organizational identity, image, learning, and knowledge are involved in sensemaking, sensegiving and organizational change. His work spans the spectrum from the philosophical, theoretical, and empirical to the methodological, educational and practical, and has appeared in many of the top journals in management, as well as in numerous book chapters and proceedings.
报告人Speaker:吕源(Lu Yuan)
题目Title:质性研究中的概念形成与概念创新(Concept formation and concept innovation in Qualitative Research)
摘要Abstract:概念(concept)是以词的形式代表客观事物并反映对象或/以及现象的特征和本质。概念是假设、命题的基本单元,是逻辑推理和判断的起点,也是理论构建的基石(basic block)。相对定量研究而言,质性研究为研究者在概念形成和概念创新方面有更多自由空间,但是也对研究者从研究现场(field)收集的数据中提取概念和开发新概念的能力提出更高和更严格的要求。本报告从概念的定义、种类以及概念形成和发展等方面入手,讨论在质性研究中如何提取和发展概念以及研究者在概念化过程中面对的挑战。
Concept represents an object by a form of word and mirrors the characteristics as well as the essence of the object. Concept is the formation unit of hypothesis and/or proposition, the starting point of logic inference, followed by reasoning and judgement, and the basic blocks of theory construction. In a comparison to quantitative research, qualitative research offers scholars more freedom for concept formation and concept innovation, as well as more challenges concerning the capabilities of extracting and developing concepts. This lecture will introduce a concept’s definition, categories, and how concepts are established and developed in qualitative research.
报告人简介Biography:吕源教授现为华南理工大学商学院讲座教授(客座),香港中文大学兼职教授及浙江工业大学管理学院客座教授。其研究领域包括战略管理,中小企业国际化,话语分析和家族企业传承。他的研究成果发表在Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies及《管理世界》。
Professor Lu Yuan is now a Chair Professor in Business School of South China University of Technology, adjunct professor in Department of Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Management School of Zhejiang University of Technology. His research areas cover strategic management, internationalization of small and medium enterprises, discourse analysis, and succession of leadership in family business. His research outcomes have been published on Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, and Management World.
报告人Speaker:Carol Hsu
题目Title:Criteria for Evaluating Qualitative Case Study Research
摘要Abstract:In this talk, I will focus on the evaluative criteria for qualitative case study research. I will explain for the criteria for multiple case studies and single case research with examples, and will share some guidelines when conducting the empirical work and writing-up.
报告人简介Biography:许玮元教授,同济大学经济与管理学院,管理科学与工程系特聘教授,博士生导师,上海千人学者。英国伦敦政治与经济学院信息系统专业博士学位毕业。研究主要专注于:1)信息安全管理系统的导入与采纳研究;2)企业数字化转型。研究成果已发表信息系统(IS)领域顶级期刊MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems以及其他国际杰出信息管理期刊。目前担任Journal of Strategic Information Systems与Information Systems Journal资深主编以及Information & Management 副主编,Journal of the Association for Information Systems编辑委员会与2020亚太讯息管理年会会议议程共同主席 (PACIS 2020 Conference Program Co-Chair).
报告人Speaker:Dennis A. (Denny) Gioia
题目Title:Leveraging a Recessive Narrative to Transform Public Image:
Media Sensebreaking, Sensemaking, & Sensegiving during Scandal
摘要Abstract:In the modern era, image can be rapidly transformed because the media exerts a strong influence on image construction processes. To better understand these processes, we analyzed media accounts concerning Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno in the immediate aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal at the university. For decades, the media had portrayed Paterno as a moral beacon who personified “success with honor.” When the Sandusky scandal erupted, however, the media rapidly (within five days) transformed Paterno’s image from moral beacon to moral disgrace. Our findings identify key media sensebreaking, sensemaking, and sensegiving processes that help to explain how this swift media image transformation occurred. Especially distinctive is a finding that the media leveraged a pre-existing negative recessive narrative into a dominant narrative to quickly and dramatically transform image.
题目Title:案例研究论文的写作问题和改进策略(The writing of case study research: problems and solutions)